Handle Your Website Going Down or Becoming Unresponsive
It is worth noting that there is an auto-recycle in place on all of the Khaos Control Web sites that checks the connection to the website and DLL every 5 minutes, and if there is an issue it will automatically trigger a restart of the website and DLL processes, which normally fixes the majority of issues.
However, if you find that your website is unresponsive or is showing an error page for more than 5 minutes, or if you want to try and bring the website back up quicker, then there are some steps that can be taken:
- Check that Khaos Control isn't slow, and there is nothing major being done, such as invoicing a large amount of orders. As the website loads all of its product, category, account, etc data from Khaos Control, if Khaos Control is performing slowly or there is a major process being run, this can have a knock-on effect to the website and cause it to also run slowly. If a large amount of orders are being invoiced, for example, the site may run slowly until this process completes, but should automatically resume normal operation once it completes.
- If there is nothing out of the ordinary happening in Khaos Control, the the next step would be to manually trigger a recycle of the website and DLL processes, which can be done using the "recycle.bat" file that can be found within the "Websites" folder on your Web Server. To access this you will need to do the following:
- Log into your web server using the "Remote Desktop Connection" software.
- Open "File Explorer" and navigate to your "Websites" folder. This can usually be found on the C: or D: drives, depending on your server setup.
- Double click on the "recycle.bat" file.
- This will open up a "Command Prompt" window and ask if you want to restart all of your websites. Type "Y" and press enter.
- This should then recycle all of the websites on your server, including both the live and staging sites, as well as all DLLs.
NOTE: The websites may take a couple of seconds to start up again once fully restarted, so try loading the website again and give it 30 seconds or so to load.
- If your website still doesn't work then the next step would be to restart the Web Server, as there may be an issue with that which is causing the site to be unresponsive. To do this, you will need to do the following:
- On the Web Server, click the "Start" menu and then the "Power" option.
- Click the "Restart" option.
- If you are asked for a reason, select "Other (Unplanned)" and click "Continue".
- The Web Server should then restart fully and you should be disconnected from your "Remote Desktop Connection" session.
- Give the Web Server a minute or so to restart and then try reconnecting to it via "Remote Desktop Connection". If this connects, retry your website, if not then give it another minute or so as it may be installing updates to Windows.
- If you have tried all of these steps and there is still an issue with your website, then you will need to contact the Khaos Control Web Support email address and let us know that there is an issue. Unfortunately we do not provide out-of-hours support, but any reports will be actioned as quickly as possible within our normal office hours.
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