Display 'Flashes' on your Products
There are a number of things that you might want to display as a “flash” on a product entry, such as whether the product is on sale, whether it is a best-selling product, etc.
You can do this by using the “Flashes” UDA in Khaos Control.
All you have to do is set the “Flashes” UDA to whatever you want to display as a “flash”, and you can even set multiple “flashes” by setting the UDA to a comma-separated list.
NOTE: Your Theme may require some extra styling in order to support this UDA.
Example: Setting a Product to be “Coming Soon”
As an example we will set a product to display a “flash” of “Coming Soon”, to do this we would need to go into the product in Khaos Control, go to “User Defined Attributes (UDA)”, find the “Flashes” UDA and set it to “Coming Soon”.
This is then displayed on the website as a “flash”:
NOTE: The “Flashes” UDA may need setting up if you haven’t used it before, it just needs to be setup with a name of “Flashes” and a type of “TEXT”.
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