

Accessing the Dashboard Settings

You can access the SEO Dashboard Settings by going to "SEO" -> "Dashboard" on the left-hand menu.

Available Options


The "Dashboard" tab shows any problems or notifications generated by the "Yoast SEO" plugin.


Configuration wizard: You can run the "Yoast SEO" configuration wizard by clicking on the "Open the configuration wizard" button.

Credits: You can view the credits for the "Yaost SEO" plugin by clicking the "View Credits" button.

Restore default settings: You can restore the default settings for the "Yoast SEO" plugin by clicking the "Restore default settings" button.


Readability analysis: Set whether to enable/disable the "Readability" tab in the "Yoast SEO" metabox when editing Static Content or Pages.

Keyword analysis: Set whether to enable/disable the "Keyword" tab in the "Yoast SEO" metabox when editing Static Content or Pages.

Advanced settings pages: Set whether to enable/disable the advanced feature pages. This should not be disabled.

OnPage.org: Set if the OnPage.org integration should be used to notify you if your website is not being indexed by search engines.

Admin bar menu: Set whether to include the "Yoast SEO" plugin links in the admin bar at the top of the page.

Cornerstone content: Set whether to enable/disable cornerstone content on your website.

Company info

Website name: Set the website name that will be displayed in Google search results. By default this will use the "Site Title" config option in "Settings" -> "General", but you can change it here, and/or set an alternative website name for Google to consider.

Company or person: Set whether the website is for a company or a single person. Google's Knowledge Graph uses this.

Company: Set the company name and logo, if "Company or person" is set to "Company".

Person: Set your name, if "Company or person" is set to "Person".

Webmaster Tools

You can enter the verification meta data from Bing, Google, or Yandex Webmaster Tools, when adding your website to any of these tools. If your website is already verified, you don't need to do anything with this tab.


Set if you want Author/Editor accounts to have access to the advanced tab on the "Yoast SEO" metabox when editing Static Content or Pages. By default, only administrator accounts will have access to this tab.

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