Create Dynamic Packs

Create Dynamic Packs

Khaos Control Web has an additional plugin that enables dynamic pack functionality on the website, which allows customers to build their own custom pack of products from the options provided.

To create a dynamic pack you will need to do the following:

1. Log in to the CMS and go to "KC:Web" -> "Dynamic Packs".

2. Click the "Add New" button at the top of the page to create a new pack.

3. Give the pack a name. This will be used to generate the URL for the pack page, but this can be customised if required.

4. Enter any content you want displaying at the top of the page. This can be anything you like, but should probably include details of what the pack includes, etc.

5. Setup the pack options using the following settings:
Enabled: Whether the pack is currently enabled. If this option is unticked the pack page will not be accessible.
Parent Product Slug: The Web Slug of the parent product for the pack, which should be a non-Stock Controlled product with a "Move With" relationship. You can setup any base pricing for the pack on this product, as it will be added to the order along with the selected 'part' products.
Part Type: Select the method you want to use for setting up the 'parts' for the pack.
      "Category" requires each 'part' of the pack has a category within the web category structure that contains all of the products that are used as options for that 'part'.
      "Product" requires a single category within the web category structure, that contains a number of single-level SCS products that are used for each 'part'.
NOTE: If you change this option you will need to save the pack in order to refresh the page and show the correct settings.
If you have selected "Category", you will have the following options:
      Amount of Parts: Set the number of 'parts' that the pack will contain. Once set, you will need to save the pack in order to refresh the page to show the options for selecting which category is used for each 'part'.
      Part X Category: For each 'part', as set by the "Amount of Parts" setting, you will need to select which category to use. The best method of setting up these categories is to have them set to "Hide on Menu", so that they don't appear on the website.
If you have selected "Product", you will have the following option:
      Pack Product Category: Select the category that contains the SCS products that are used for the 'parts'.

Once saved you will have a URL generated, which you can edit by clicking the "Edit" button next to it. This URL is how your customers will access the pack page, so you can either add this as a menu item, add it as a link on a product page, or setup a redirect to take customers there from a placeholder product.

NOTE: You will need to contact the Khaos Control Web team in order to have this plugin enabled on your website, and there may be additional development costs involved in integrating it into your website's layout and colour scheme.
If you require additional customisation, to change the layout, add in images of the pack, etc then please contact the Khaos Control Web team with further details and we will draw up a development item outlining the changes and the time required.
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